Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Why Blog About Something You Haven’t Achieved?

So, here is the scoop ya’ll. I am just beginning a search for true freedom from all that I struggle with. I don’t have it all together. I don’t even have a fraction of it together. I wake up every day struggling to get out of bed and face the world. I go to sleep every night struggling to shut everything off… all the mess that is inside my head.

I am not here to act like I know what’s up or can give any kind of rational advice. For me, blogging about this journey isn’t about giving advice, or sharing wisdom. I don’t personally think I have much advice to give and I definitely am not the wisest among us. Blogging is nothing more than sharing my story. It is helpful for me to process my thoughts and feelings and if I’m lucky, someone out in cyberspace might find something I write and it might help them out. If taking the time to write this blog helps even one person with even one issue they might be up against, then every thought, every minute, every technical issue I may have to work through… it is all worth it.

As I sit and think, or listen to a song on the radio, or listen to some of my friends speak words of life over me… I often have side thoughts. I often get thrust into some other train of thought, where usually, Jesus takes my hand and shows me something I desperately needed to see. I feel as though some of those thoughts are valuable, not just to me… but to others like me. That is my only purpose here. To share my story, my journey, my Jesus… with whoever might be reading along.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Finding Freedom

If you had asked me several years ago if I was free, I probably would have either looked at you funny wondering exactly what you meant, or I would have said a resounding YES!! I was born and raised in the United States of America... Land of the free. I was raised in a Christian school and church and I would have told you that Jesus saved me and I was free from sin and death.

I would have said those things... but it would have been a lie. Not a willing lie, but a lie none the less. Freedom is not found in where you live or how you were raised. It isn't found by being able to do as you please. I might ruffle some feathers with this statement, but bear with me. Freedom isn't even found in being a saved, born again Christian. Don't get me wrong, that is definitely a first step to freedom, but salvation in and of itself, is just the beginning. It is the beginning of something amazingly beautiful, and it is imperative for your eternity, but still, it is just the beginning.

I have taken that first step on this journey... and I have taken several others that I will share along the way. But friends, while I am saved and free in Jesus, His daughter, and heir to a heavenly home, there are still things in this life that have me bound. There are things that I am struggling with. Satan doesn't leave us alone when we accept Christ into our lives and hearts. Oh no... he ups his game. And if we don't up ours, we will find ourselves bound, struggling, hurting, and feeling empty and alone.

I'm currently all of the above... but I have a plan and a God who is going to change that. I don't know about you, but I am ready to up my game.